Author : mike

VM Workstation

Current rebuilding the VM workstation as the previous VM crashed due to the computer shutting down and not shutting down the guest OS. I have rebuilt the two VM and working on all of the settings.

House projects

The house projects are almost finished – by Wednesday 9/11/2019 the master bath should be completed just before Dulce cames back from the PI.

Summer is almost over

Summer is almost over.  I’ve finished my notes and handouts for the next school year and have been working on notes for classes I haven’t taught in over 10 years.  So I’m starting over and creating new notes and handouts.

Working on Fall quarter notes

So I’m working on my Fall quarter teaching notes.  I need to finish Ch 5 and Ch 6 for Math 111 – then I can work on Winter.  Really wish I was done so I could work on some programming 🙁

Finished update

The website update is complete.

Updated Website in progress

Updated website started tonight.